Homeschool SAT Prep

When the topic of the SAT comes up, homeschoolers usually sigh or curse under their breath.  Test prep companies have led us to believe that the secrets to a good score are arcane tricks and byzantine guessing strategies.  They lie. If we approach the test properly, homeschoolers can expertly prepare for the SAT without selling out on our educational values.

Homeschoolers are actually in an exciting position to prepare for the test: a student who is accustomed to taking her education into her own hands can study much better than a schooled kid in a big-name class.  The test actually rewards thoughtfulness, inventiveness, and curiosity – traits homeschoolers have in spades!  Done well, SAT prep can be a meaningful capstone to a homeschooling adventure.

I’m ridiculously excited to show groups of homeschoolers how to do exactly this – to set up structures of expert practice that translate to impressive gains on the SAT.  In a pair of 2½-hour meetings, I can teach you how to –

tie together great test-prep books into a seamless system
identify the information the SAT tests, and assess whether you know it or need to learn it
systematically stretch your mathematical problem-solving abilities
organically grow your vocabulary by leaps & bounds
train yourself to spot grammar errors
limit test-taking stress
fold in practice for SAT reading, math, and writing into all your studies

There’s nothing mysterious about a high SAT score – you need to be grounded in “the beautiful basics” of math, reading, and writing, and be able to confidently apply those basics.  If parents are interested, I can also help set up a multi-year plan to authentically build high-level reading, writing, and math skills – the sort the SAT rewards.

Most SAT prep classes cost around $500 per student.  For $200 or less per family (with a minimum of two families), I’ll walk you and your homeschooling group through how to set up a more effective system of self or group study using excellent materials.  (I’m happy to provide a discount for larger groups.)

I’m only a new father – our son James is a month old – but I’m an ardent fan of homeschooling.  I teach high school philosophy at the Attic Learning Community in Woodinville, and flip out for the work of Susan Wise Bauer and John Holt.  I’ve recently presented a seminar (“Prepare for the SAT without Losing Your Mind or Selling Your Soul”) at the Pacific NW Homeschool College Fair.

“Our family found Brandon in the nick of time.  In just two sessions, he helped simplify difficult and confusing math concepts and demonstrated how to retain information long term.  He created a specific plan to improve reading comprehension and glean main ideas from more challenging texts.  With his help, my daughter gained vision, purpose and a detailed plan of effective study for her SAT.  Not only does he provide vital instruction, but his passion for learning inspired my three high-school age children.  They now have the fundamental tools they need to succeed on the SAT’s and in college.  Brandon is a lifesaver!”

–Gloria, Puyallup

I’m passionate about helping homeschoolers master the test and develop the college-level academic skills. Get a fuller sense of my work with the SAT Math, Critical Reading, and Writing on this website, or read my bio and educational manifesto to get the gist on me.

If you’re interested in talking with me about setting up a meeting, or asking any sort of homeschool-SAT questions, contact me.

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